Free Short Stories

These short stories are available to download for free. They’re available at the back of the DCI Grimm books and I have also sent them out to subscribers in my newsletter. If you missed any of them, then you can find them all here! Be sure to read the descriptions, though, because some of them should only be read after you’ve reached a certain point in the series (no one wants to stumble across a spoiler by accident).


You’ve probably read this one already. It’s the classic tale of how a young Corporal Harry Grimm came to leave the Paratroopers and join the police force. Put simply, it’s Harry’s origin story (to borrow a term from the Marvel Universe). So you can read this at any point in the series to find out how it all began….

A Grimm Christmas

This light-hearted tale comes at the back Unquiet Bones and should best read after that to avoid any spoilers. It takes place on a cold and snowy Christmas Eve in Hawes, with the village preparing for the annual Christingle service. Although it’s far removed from the grisly goings-on of Unquiet Bones, there’s still drama aplenty courtesy of Dave Calvert’s goats. There’s even a guest appearance from Hawes’ very own star butcher, Dave Cockett.

Date Night

I originally sent this little short out around Valentine’s Day 2023. DS Matt Dinsdale and his wife Joan are at the Tann Hill Pub (the highest pub in England) for a romantic meal out. Matt’s thoughts are elsewhere, however. After a bit of digging, Joan finds out what’s bothering her husband – he’s worried about a new DCI who’s coming to the Dales. Will this new boss understand the team? How will he fit into Dales life? And, most importantly, will he like cake and cheese. No spoilers in this one either as it’s set before Harry’s arrival in the Dales.

When Jadyn Met Tank

This is a scene I cut from Silent Ruin, as I felt it didn’t add to the story or move the action along. However, I thought it was too good a tale to leave on the cutting room floor, so I turned it into a free short story. It’s very loosely based on an old newspaper report from around 100 years ago about a farmer who disappeared while out shooting rabbits. In this modern-day retelling, Constable Okri and DS Dinsdale are the ones who come to the rescue.

New Boots

Now that he's in Wensleydale, DCI Harry Grimm begrudgingly accepts that he needs to buy himself some sensible footwear. But he’s not exactly a fan of shopping ...

When Harry Met Jim

This little tale takes place at the very start of Harry’s time in the Dales. In fact, it starts just after he arrives in Hawes and is directed to the auction mart to find one of his new PCSOs, Jim Metcalfe. So there’s no need to worry about spoilers. Just grab a slice of cheese and cake and find out how Harry handles his first encounter with a Wensleydale tup.

Chainsaw vs Motorbike

This short story comes at the back of book 15, Dead Man’s Hands. It refers to a call out that DS Matt Dinsdale responds too during the book. I cut it out of the book as it didn’t move the main plot along. I still liked it though, so thought it would make an excellent cookie. It doesn’t contain any spoilers so it you can read wherever you are in the series. We join Matt as he heads over to the village of Nateby in response to a call from a resident who’s concerned by the noise of ripping metal and a high-revving petrol engine coming from her neighbour’s back yard…

Day Trip

Want to look in on Gordy and Anna on a rare day off for them both? Get your free copy of Day Trip as an eBook or audiobook and join them as they explore a local nature reserve and an impressively large picnic hamper.

A Ghost at the Castle

This short was a little story I sent out to subscribers around Halloween 2023. It’s set in Middleham where Jen is on duty over Halloween. Despite the evening starting off harmlessly enough for Jen as she chats with an elderly resident, things soon take a spooky turn, and she’s forced to go exploring the castle in the dead night in response to a mysterious ghost frightening the locals….

Cockett’s Rockets

This was originally going to be the first chapter of Dark Harvest but I ended up taking it out as I didn’t feel it was a dramatic enough start to the story. I still think it’s a fun chapter, though, so thought it best to offer it as a freebie to you lovely newsletter subscribers. It doesn’t contain any spoilers, but it’s probably best appreciated after you’ve read Dark Harvest. Enjoy!