Fair Game

Carperby | West Burton | Walden

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Grace’s Place

With only four miles to go, the journey was soon over, and she slowed down as she arrived in Carperby, a place she’d called home for a good while now, having eventually moved out of her dad’s house over in Redmire and into a place of her own.

Spot where Luca is poaching

On the other side of the gate, the beam from her torch had its work cut out, breaking through the oily blackness which seemed to ooze around and between the trees. A small path lay ahead, and Grace knew the way so well she could probably walk it blindfolded.

Fox and Hounds West Burton

‘Oh, that was the Fox and Hounds, over in West Burton,’ Phil said. ‘Love the place. Possibly my favourite pub in the Dales, it is.

Where Gill lives

‘Gill lives out beyond West Burton, Walden way,’ Jim said. ‘It’s pretty remote; one of those places where the road soon becomes a track, then just ends in a field and the fells.